The Sufi poet Kabir and Guru Nanak are two famous well-known individuals of the Sant Mat lineage.

Sant Mat is a mystical sect of the Sikhs and is defined as the teaching of the saints.

The teachings are based on the inner light and sound meditation path with techniques that center you in the sound current (audible life stream). By meditating in the stream, one taps into and anchours in their Godhead and begins the journey through the different higher levels of creation such as Nirvana.

Specific techniques enable a person to listen in and experience celestial sights and sounds while moving through one’s inner kingdom.

Initiation from a living teacher known as Sat Guru consists of hands on energy transmission from teacher to student when he or she is being connected to ones Godhead.

More in-depth detailed information is provided during the Sant Mat lineage presentation the day of initiation.

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